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Training and Workshops

We deliver workshops on a range of issues relating to Disabled and LGBTQIA+ employees

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Our training sessions are fun, engaging and educational. We often take complex and controversial topics and explain them in straight forward and easy to understand way. We're flexible trainers who work with our clients to deliver a session that meets their training needs and outcomes. We run sessions online, hybrid or in-person, although for hybrid workshops are dependent on client facilities. Our usual workshops are 90 minutes with a short break, but we are also able to do shorter "lunch and learns" and longer sessions by arrangement. Our most frequently requested workshops are our 90 minute sessions:
- An introduction to EDI: Giving participants the tools to understand the legal and moral obligations of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
- Intersectionality in practice: This workshop gives participants an understanding of intersectionality, the importance of an intersectional approach and practical tools to enable them understand and tackle issues through an intersectional lens.
- Disability basics and awareness: An introductory level course that gives participants an understanding of the different models of disability, how it can link to other forms of oppression and how we can remove barriers for disabled people.
- LGBTQIA+ basics and awareness: An introductory course that takes participants through a brief look at the letters in LGBTQIA+, the intersection with other forms of oppression, barriers that LGBTQIA+ face and how we can remove them.
- Transgender awareness: Using our lived experience and expertise, participants are given the tools to help them understand the realities of being transgender, the barriers we face and how companies and individuals can support trans people in the workplace
All of these workshops can be done delivered remotely or in-person. Depending on client facilities, we can also discuss hybrid options.
We know that everyone is at a different stage of their Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Journey, which is why we offer bespoke sessions as well. If you're interested in working with Simply Equality and seeing how we can help give your organisation the training they need to meet the challenges of the modern working world, get in touch today.

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